Four juicy new tour dates added! Jarzilla is coming back to the UK and tickets go on sale this Friday at 10am! Four of my absolute favourite intimate venues. Grab a ticket fast, these ones won’t hang around long.
The comedian, the podcaster, the baker, the greeting card maker.
Four juicy new tour dates added! Jarzilla is coming back to the UK and tickets go on sale this Friday at 10am! Four of my absolute favourite intimate venues. Grab a ticket fast, these ones won’t hang around long.
Maybe you found me on Instagram, maybe you saw one of my shows. I’m just glad you’re here. I’m also happy to say that I have a whole bunch of new clips for you to enjoy on my Youtube channel, on Instagram, on my TikTok and in my new standup special Jarzilla. The special will drop later this year but you can see it before anyone else by coming to a show. Tour dates are just to the right here or in my linktree yokey. I’m constantly looking to add more dates for my travels with this show. So if you know somewhere I haven’t got on the list, just send me an email. I do my best to reply to every single one.
Jar is taking his new show “Jarzilla” out on the road. Would you like him to come to your town or local theatre? Get in touch. Right now, he’s working on the edit of the standup special he filmed in Dublin in January but soon he will be flying everywhere there are Jarlath Regan fans. Kicking things off in London, Jar is doing one huge show in Bloomsbury Theatre. Tickets are sure to sell out for this St Patrick’s Day weekend event so be sure to book yours well in advance.
Jar is also running the London City Marathon on April 23rd in aid of the Menphy’s Charity in Leicester. To support him on this epic journey why not kick in a few pennies for his cause and listen to the fun he’s having training with the great Sonia O’Sullivan – Ireland’s best ever track and field athlete.
You might not know this but jar also has a parenting podcast with his wife. The behavioural specialist and star that is Tina Regan, chats to Jar about the emails they receive from parents who find themselves overwhelmed by their kids. Jar provides the laughs and Tina provides the essential info. “Honey, You’re Ruining Our Kid” has been number 1 in the charts for weeks. Get on board.
I’m flipping delighted to say that my new standup special is being filmed this January in Dublin. Mad to think it’s three years since we filmed the last one in Vicar Street. You can watch that one here now for the very first time. The new show, “Jarzilla” is as the name suggests, the biggest thing I’ve ever taken on. I would love you to be in the audience. Here’s the link to get your paws on a few tickets. I’m not going to say the C word just yet but we both know these tickets would make a nice gift. Especially when coupled with a night in a hotel. Just saying.
Who knew explaining how Irish wedding drinking works would prove so popular? Youtube did. This video has gone semi-viral in the last few weeks. If you are not subscribed to my channel, please do. I am banging up 3 new podcast videos a week and one new standup video every Friday.
Delighted to say that after a long time of dribbling back to life, the power hose of comedy is back on full. Adding dates all the time and building towards something really special in the summer and autumn. Hope you and your loved ones have survived this thing we have lived through. Get in touch with me / (the person that handles the big stuff) if you have any questions about live shows, bookings, podcasts, running or life.
Return Of The Craic has a new indoor home and will be announcing a full slate of shows over the next while. Irishman Abroad just added a new twice monthly podcast featuring someone I love. Sonia O’Sullivan and I are heading to Cobh for her ten mile road race in April. Why not come with us and raise some money for charity.
Delighted to announce that my new Christmas cards are finally here. They’re not your average cards in that they’re funny. You need to chose carefully who you send them to. Printed in Dublin using the finest card and ink, each one comes with a delightful envelope. We ship the very next day you order. Enjoy.
Exclusively Available In Ireland
I was hoping to be able to ship them world-wide or at the very least to England but sadly that was not to be. We will also be selling last year’s set. I have updated them for 2021. The shop is now open for you to browse and grab.