New Jigser Xmas Cards Online Now!


That pretty much says it all. Click on THIS link  to see the all new cards including the Star Wars card that George Lucas is threatening legal action over.  Still an absurd €1, they are, to my mind, the best way to say to someone you love/like this Christmas, “I’m glad we share the same sense of humour.” Enjoy.

A Rant About Rants…

When did ranting become cool?  Maybe it was when it became part of the dance music scene around the time “ranting and raving” took off.  Whenever it was I don’t approve of people “going on a rant” or the encouraging of others to “have a good auld rant”.  Some people find it entertaining to hear people venting their frustration through a rant but I’d much rather see them put that energy into making a piece of art that would symbolize how they feel.  That might sound arsey but how brilliant would it be if instead of having to listen to someone burn your ear off complaining about some new tax, you had to wait a week to see what piece of papier-maché sculpture they had come up with to articulate their frustration.  Taxis would be full of crudely crafted odds and ends about why the country is the way it is.  Trips to your parents house would take an Aladdin’s cave feel.  If your boss wanted to have a go at you about how you’re always late he’d have to put in the hard hours at the canvas.  And pubs would be the new galleries.  Instead of trying to shout over the din of other ranting drunks, everyone would arrive down with their paintings entitled “Why I hate Noel Edmonds!” or “Why no girl should ever wear UGG boots!”  You could wander around appreciating everyone’s point of view while an old man in the corner did a piece of interpretive dance called “I blame the foreigners”.

My biggest problem with rants is nobody else is allowed to talk while someone is on one.  They are the conversational equivalent of a lone playground swing.  The person on it is the only one enjoying it.  Everyone else has to just stand around waiting for them to be finished.  It creates a pretty shitty community atmosphere in both settings. If you find yourself on a swing or rant in that situation all you can do is stay on as long as possible because you know the next person is going to do the same thing.  After a while it’s a waste of time going to the park because you know all you’re going to do is stand around watching other people enjoy the swing.

If there is anything worse than a rant it’s probably long-winded analogies but that’s for another day in the park.

The 2011 Jigser Xmas Cards will arrive this week!

It took a while but the new Jigser Christmas cards, featuring the Michael D. Higgins and Star Wras cards, will be available to buy this week from the shop.  Still only €1 each they are such good value that it’s getting harder and harder to justify the effort that goes into selling, packing and sending them! And of course the book, “How To Break Bad News”, which is now completely out of print, is still available exclusively from the shop.  If you’re thinking I will get in in a book shop for less, you really can’t . is now the only place to get it so pick one up and I’ll pop it in the post to you.

Finally, tickets are still available for the big final night of the tour in Whelans on December 3rd.  If you’d like a VIP ticket for you and friend, mail me and I’ll enter you in the draw.

Your chance to win…and be popular*!

The final night of the tour known as “The Back Road Comedy Show” takes place in Whelan’s of Wexford Street on Saturday December 3rd.  If you didn’t already know that have a quick click on the link for more details.  But here’s the new news.  Aiken Promotions are giving me two pairs of VIP tickets to give away to you.  I think the fairest way to do this is to have you send me an email and then do a draw out of a hat or tea cosy. Then I’ll let you know who wins this Friday. Good luck!

A winner and a loser at the same time?.

*Popularity not guaranteed but more than likely.

Jarlath Regan’s Back Road Comedy Show Tour 2011

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For people interested Jarlath Regan’s first national tour of hand-picked, weird and wonderful comedy venues around Ireland. Join this group if you want to submit a venue you’d like to see the tour visit. With a bit of luck Jarlath and a bunch of other stand-up comedians could be showing up in your local to put on a one off night of hilarity and high-jinx / low jinx / mid-level jinx.

Putting a ring on it

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This month Jarlath is touring Ireland and lauching his new book “Putting A Ring On It” in the The Sugar Club.

It’ll be available to buy in all bookstores then or to pre-order from Amazon. In the meantime check out his cards, books and album or come to one of his gigs near you!

How to Break the Bad News

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The book of Jarlath’s greeting cards was the 7th best-selling humour book of 2009 in Ireland. Still available in most book shops. Or you can get it here! Only €10 (+€3.99 postage).

Welcome to Jarlath Regan’s Internet.

Jarlath is the comedian and creator of Irishman Abroad Podcast. If you want to contact Jar personally, that’s impossible. Just email one of his many many employees or  on twitter. Whatever it is, a problem with your internet, parenting advice or if you’d just like to enquire about his availability to come and tell jokes or host something for you, email the above address now. Your email will be read and replied to by an actual human being. .